Powerful Curriculum Vitae's

Advanced Curriculum Vitae's Written By Advanced Senior Writers!
Stunning Curriculum Vitae's - $379

Our Curriculum Vitas are professionally and powerfully created by our team of Senior CV Writers. Certain fields, industries, and employers will demand a Curriculum Vita vs a Resume.

What Is A Curriculum Vitae?
A CV – abbreviation for the Latin phrase “curriculum vitae” is a detailed summary of your academic and work history majorly focusing on your achievements. It’s a comprehensive description of all your undertakings, the achievements you’re proud of, and all the publications that bear your name.
You should view your CV as your “sales brochure,” where you sell your qualifications and expertise to a prospective employer. There’s no rule of thumb about how long your cv should be, but it all depends on your experience, and this can range anywhere from 2 to 8 pages.

Who Should Have A Curriculum Vitae?
A CV is best for individuals seeking high-level research/teaching positions for post-secondary institutions, postdoctoral positions, grants, or fellowships. Your CV highlights your career and lists your top skills and achievements while showcasing what you offer your future employer.

When Do You Submit A Curriculum Vitae?
When considering positions in research and academia industries, you submit a CV instead of a resume. A resume is a short, straight-to-the-point write-up for applying for specific jobs. Unlike a CV, the resume should remain as short as possible, usually 2-page max.

What's The Difference Between A Curriculum Vitae & Resume?
A Curriculum Vitae is usually 3-6 pages in length and heavily focused on your academic background, degree's, awards, certifications, publications, community service, licenses, and your career history.
A Resume is usually 2 pages maximum and mainly focused on your career history.

How Many Pages Are Curriculum Vitae's?
We keep the CV length 3-6 pages. While employers don’t have strict requirements on the CV length, keeping it easily scannable helps the hiring manager easily digest your experience for the position you’re applying for as fast as possible.

What Industries/Companies Typically Require A Curriculum Vitae?
CVs work great when applying for positions in these industries:
Higher Education