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Should You Add Your College GPA On Your Resume?

Writer's picture: Expert Resume ProsExpert Resume Pros

Leading career experts all agree that there are certain pieces of information you simply must include in your resume. Skills, qualifications, and relevant experience – these are all must-haves. But there are other pieces of information, like college GPAs, which aren’t quite as obvious. This is why finding the best resume writing help is worth the investment to advance your career.

Some would say it’s always worth including your GPA on your resume. Others would argue against it. The truth lies somewhere in between. There are cases when it’s wise and strongly recommended to mention your college GPA. In other situations, it’s simply not required. This guide will explore the two sides of the argument to help you decide whether to add your GPA.

wood looking background with the words "Should I Include My GPA On My Resume?"

The Argument in Favor of Adding Your GPA

There are plenty of experts – including recruiters – who recommend adding your college GPA to your resume. Here are some of the benefits of doing so.

Adds Value for Graduates

For graduates, writing resumes can be tricky. You probably don’t have all that much experience (or any at all) to show off. For that reason, you fill the resume with other information. If that’s the case, a GPA – especially one as close to a 4.0 as possible – can be a valuable addition. It’s your way of showing that you’re someone for recruiters to pay attention to.

An Impressive Achievement

Many students work immensely hard at college. They stay up late, studying deep into the night, reading and rereading textbooks and other academic resources. Eventually, those efforts can pay off in the form of a great GPA.

Demonstrates Skills and Commitment

A good college GPA also tells a story. It shows that you’re someone who takes education seriously and are willing to put in the time and effort to obtain such an impressive score. It also shows that you’re a well-rounded candidate, skilled and knowledgeable in various fields. All of this can work in your favor, especially when applying for your first big job.

Words with stats that say "Resume Fun Facts By Recruiters" "On average, every corporate job positing attracts 250 resumes.

The Argument Against Adding Your GPA

For all the experts arguing in favor, there are many more who say that a GPA has no place on a resume. Here are some of the key points on this side of the argument.

Experience Matters Much More

The No. 1 argument you’ll hear against GPAs is that they’re simply not as important or valuable as work experience. Indeed, many experts say that, once you’ve got around five years of work experience, there’s no need to include your GPA on any future resume. Most recruiters simply won’t look at it, putting much more focus on your experiences and relevant work skills.

Not a Good Indicator of Worker Performance

In the past, it was widely agreed that a GPA was a useful indicator to predict how a graduate might perform at work. But belief in that concept has eroded over the years. Even giant firms, like Google, say that they no longer look at GPAs for candidates. These organizations argue that a GPA is simply not a reliable metric to determine how well someone will adapt and succeed in the working world.

A Low GPA Could Harm Your Chances of Being Hired

This point should be obvious but is still worth mentioning. Usually, it’s only best to include a college GPA on a resume if the GPA is impressive. That usually means GPAs of around 3.5 or higher. If you’ve got a lower GPA, especially below 3.0, it might do more harm than good to include it on your resume. Employers might see it as a sign that you would struggle or lack the skills needed to succeed.

two men standing, one man throwing a resume in a trash can and the other man crying because his resume got rejected for a job interview

Should You Add Your GPA or Not?

Now we’ve seen the arguments on both sides of the debate, you might still be unsure about whether or not it’s wise to include your GPA. Here’s a quick rundown of when it’s worth adding and when to leave it out.

When to Include Your College GPA

In general, it’s worth including your college GPA on your resume for your first few years of work. If you’ve just graduated from college, for example (or you’re still in college and applying for a part-time job) it’s wise to add your GPA. It’s also worth including if your GPA is impressive, especially early in your career, or if the employer specifically asks to see it in the job description.

When to Leave Your GPA Off Your Resume

In most other cases, there’s no need to include your GPA. Once you’ve got a few years of working experience under your belt, you can remove the GPA and no longer worry about mentioning it. Especially when you’ve got 10+ years of experience, your GPA will have almost no significance to future recruiters – they’ll be much more interested in your experience and skills instead.

A GPA Is Not the Most Important Part of Your Resume

Ultimately, the takeaway from this article is clear: a GPA can be a nice little bonus fact to mention on your resume early in your working life, but it’s not the be-all and end-all. In fact, it rapidly loses value as you progress in your career, to a point where it’s not usually worth including on your resume at all.

That might sound frustrating to those who worked tirelessly to get a good GPA. However, your hard work wasn’t for nothing. A good GPA can still convince recruiters to give you a chance and help you land your first job. Plus, it shows that you’re someone intelligent and hard-working, making you more likely to be entrusted with key roles and responsibilities.

If you’re wondering what else to include on your resume or how you can make it more appealing, a resume service for college graduates in Denver can assist you with transforming your academic career into a professional career. Consider reaching out to experts to upgrade your resume, and regularly review it to add your latest achievements.



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