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Why Teachers Are Dropping Out of the Education Sector & Getting Their Resumes Updated

Noble and rewarding are a couple of the words often used to describe the role of a teacher. But, if you ask many teachers to describe their job, they might choose different adjectives. Adjectives like stressful, tiring, and frustrating.

For some, the pressures and challenges are overwhelming. Indeed, recent reports show that many teachers are leaving the education sector behind. They’re quitting their jobs, updating their resumes with the help of professional resume writers for teachers and educators in Denver, and looking for different kinds of work.

In this guide, we’ll look at why so many teachers are making this decision. We’ll also explore some smart strategies teachers and other education professionals can use to bring their resumes up to date and up to scratch.

image of a man thinking with the words "Top Teacher Burnout Statistics"

Reasons Why Teachers Are Moving Away from Education

Statistics show that, in many states, the numbers of teachers quitting their jobs has reached all-time highs. There are a lot of possible reasons for this, but here are some of the most commonly cited explanations.


A lot of teachers suffer from burnout. They get worn-out from so much work, and the weight of their job takes its toll. This can lead to a range of both physical and mental symptoms, from fatigue to weight loss, insomnia, anxiety, and more. When that happens, it’s simply not healthy to carry on, and many teachers decide to take time out or switch to a different profession.

Unhappy With Salary

Many teachers are also dissatisfied with the monetary compensation they receive for their hard work. While salaries go up in other roles and industries, they have been known to stagnate in the education sector. A lot of teachers even admit to living from paycheck to paycheck, and some feel that their qualifications and skills could help them gain a much better salary in a different line of work.

Better Opportunities Elsewhere

Following on from the previous point, many teachers also feel that they could not only get a better-paying job elsewhere, but also a more satisfying one. After all, a lot of teachers have either bachelor’s degrees or master’s degrees, opening up a lot of possible careers. If they see that teaching isn’t quite the right fit for them, they may decide to quit and try something else instead.

the number 55% with the words "55% of educators say they plan to leave education sooner than planned because of the pandemic"

Post-COVID Challenges

Statistics show that the number of teachers struggling with burnout and deciding to quit their jobs rose dramatically after the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, many schools switched to online or remote learning, introducing new challenges for teachers. Then, when quarantines ended and school got back to normal, a lot of teachers found that they had to work twice as hard to get students back up to speed.

Lack of Support

Some teachers have also cited a lack of support as one of their reasons for quitting. They feel that there’s a huge amount of responsibility and pressure on their shoulders. And when they try to get help from colleagues, unions, principals, local boards of education, or other sources, that help is often slow to arrive or never comes at all. Feeling lost and isolated, many teachers ultimately decide that enough is enough.

Lack of Preparation

Stats also show that those new to teaching are likely to quit within the first few years. This is mainly because new teachers often feel ill-prepared for what the work entails. Many enter the profession with optimism and hope, but quickly find that it’s much more challenging than they anticipated. The other problems listed above – like poor salaries and lack of support – compound this issue further.

Unhealthy or Toxic Working Environments

Just like other industries, the world of teaching isn’t immune to toxic or unhealthy workplaces. Some unlucky teachers end up in school systems that are simply unpleasant to work in. They might have overbearing or aggressive principals bossing them around, for example, or unfriendly colleagues causing drama in the teacher’s lounge. For some, this can be enough to make them move on from the job altogether.

What Teachers Need to Know When Updating Their Resumes

If you’re a teacher (or former teacher) considering a new line of work, you’ll need to ensure that your resume is thoroughly updated. It might have been a while since you last looked at your resume or applied for jobs. If so, here are a couple of important things you need to know.

yellow background that says "Secure your dream job with a professional ATS-compliant resume writing teacher, lecturer, adjunct professor, academia, resume cover letter writing"

Most Employers Use Applicant Tracking Software These Days

In the past, applying for a job was simple. You submitted your resume. A recruiter would then read through it to see whether you’re a good fit for the role in question. These days, however, things have changed. A lot of employers now make use of applicant tracking software (ATS) to scan resumes automatically.

Thanks to ATS systems, a lot of resumes never even get seen by human eyes. They’re simply scanned by a piece of software and rejected right away if they fail to meet certain criteria. That’s why it’s crucial to adjust your resume to be ATS-friendly. Usually, that involves adding relevant keywords for the job you’re applying for, as well as making sure your resume is the right format.

Always Tailor Your Resume to Suit the Role

One of the golden rules of writing resumes is that you should always customize and adjust your resume to suit the role you’re applying for. If you’ve only ever had or applied for teaching roles, you might not have much experience of adjusting your resume. However, it’s something that you’ll need to understand and master if you want the best chances of interviews and callbacks.

A good way to get started is to make sure you thoroughly read all job descriptions, as well as the lists of requirements or desired skills. Then, edit your resume to show why you’re the best person for the job. For instance, if the job description states that you’ll do lots of work as part of a team, adjust your resume to highlight your teamwork and communication abilities, along with other relevant skills.

Upgrade Your Resume to Find the Right Role

It doesn’t matter whether you decide to stick it out in teaching or switch to something different – either way, you need a great resume. A top rated resume writing service for teachers can help with that. You can also make many improvements yourself by regularly reviewing your resume, updating its content, and finding new ways to sell yourself to future employers.

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